Cost of the air purifier

Clean air is one of the keys to good health, but not everyone has the opportunity to live in an environmentally friendly area and have a home with an ideal climate. If there is a busy highway or smoky factory near your home, talk to a local HVAC contractor about installing an air purifier. BHC&Air offers professional air purification system selection, installation, and maintenance services by certified experts. Your home will get a second wind after the repair crew visits!

What is an air purifier and why do I need one?

According to the EPA, indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air. The concentration of pollutants and allergens is 2-5 times higher, and infectious agents settle on dust particles. If the regular air conditioner filter has to be changed more often than once in 3-4 weeks, there is a need for specialized cleaning units.

A household air purifier is a system of filters with disinfecting devices and a negative pressure fan. Portable units of local action have the form of freestanding units; centralized units are built into the air duct of the central air-conditioning system. The air purification unit being cost-effective and easy to maintain effectively removes all types of household and industrial pollutants:

  • dust, soot and asbestos fibers;
  • smoke and odorous substances;
  • pollen from flowering plants;
  • dead skin particles;
  • pet hair;
  • microscopic bed mites;
  • volatile organic pollutants;
  • pathogens and mold spores;
  • toxic gases – ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane, carbon monoxide, etc.

Advantages of the air purifier

An air purifier is a multifunctional compact unit that combines the functions of a mechanical filter, deodorizer and disinfectant. The use of an air purifier increases the efficiency of air conditioning, prevents air duct clogging and prolongs the life of the climate equipment. Concealed installation of stationary devices saves useful space in the house and does not introduce dissonance into the interior of the living space.

Studies confirm the effectiveness of using air purifiers to prevent respiratory diseases, allergies and cardiovascular pathology; improvement of microclimate thanks for additional air purification increases intellectual productivity, strengthens immunity and prevents complications of colds. Maintenance of the unit is not too difficult; it is enough to replace filters regularly; UV lamps should be replaced once every 6-12 months with subsequent disposal at specially equipped points.

Air purifier and air filter: what is the difference?

Multilevel air purification systems are a more advanced level of air pollution control, providing up to 99.9% removal of impurities. Unlike filters, air purifiers do not just capture impurities, but also neutralize pollutants: chemical compounds are neutralized by ionic reactions; microorganisms are destroyed by UV radiation or photocatalytic reactions.

Modern air purifiers are up to 50 times more efficient than standard air filters, reducing airborne contaminants by 90% or more in half an hour of operation. Because of intensive circulation, the coverage area of air purification units is much larger –200 square feet and more, and the device can serve several rooms, while the filter operates within one room.

In the home, photocatalytic cell-shaped designs with a titanium dioxide coating that serves as a source of ions that catalyze the oxidation process are common. The reaction produces compounds that destroy bacteria, viral particles and mold spores not only in the air, but also on furniture surfaces, fittings and floor coverings.

How much does an air purifier cost?

The cost of an air purifier is quite acceptable for a family of average income: the price of a stationary unit is on average USD 500 to 4000; a portable device is USD 300 to 2000. It is possible to determine exactly how much air purifiers cost after studying the parameters of the air-conditioning system: complex climate systems in large houses require expensive devices, in small cottages with simplified air-conditioning systems budget models are enough.

How much does it cost to maintain an air purification unit?

Innovative air purification systems are energy-efficient units that consume a minimum of energy: the power of household units is at the level of incandescent lamps – 20 to 100 watts. The average operating cost of a continuously operating unit is estimated at USD 0.02-0.32 per day and USD 3-5 per month with a cycle time of 24-48 hours. In order to optimize energy consumption, a professional calculation of the unit’s power according to the size of the air-conditioned room is required, which BHC&Air engineers will perform for you.

An additional bonus is an increase in the energy efficiency of air conditioning thanks for freeing the air masses from fine debris and reducing resistance. Therefore, the increase in electricity bills after installing an air purifier will be insignificant and in most cases does not exceed 8-10%, and in resource-saving models it is reduced to 0.5%; inexpensive units have lower energy consumption because of lower circulation.

The cost of consumables shoud be added to the cost of power supply: it is estimated that the cost of purchasing replacement filters in some cases is more expensive than the cost of electricity. The simpler the design of the air filter, the more often it needs to be replaced: for example, flat air filters last only 90 days, while an electronic filter lasts three to six months.

How much does it cost to install a home air purification system?

For the installation of an air purifier you will have to pay USD 300 to 1000 depending on the region, season, design and complexity of the air conditioning system. Including installation costs, the average cost of an air purifier reaches USD 800-5000; the more powerful the unit and the more complex the air path configuration are, the higher the price is.

Before installing the air purification system, it is recommended to have the HVAC system inspected for clogs and hidden damage, which will add another USD 150-500 to the bill. Air duct cleaning costs an additional USD 25 to 45 per duct; replacing a worn duct costs USD 270-500; and electrical wiring is charged separately at a rate of USD 150-350.

The desire to save money at this price level is understandable, but you should not use the services of unknown experts or perform installation work yourself. Assembly of the system requires special skills to ensure safe operation of the device, and you may be denied warranty service if the installation is performed by an unlicensed contractor. Contact BHC&Air if you want to make your life easier: when air purification systems are installed by professionals, the question of repairs for the next few years is off the agenda.

Factors affecting the cost of stationary air purifiers

The price of an air purification system is formed under the influence of various factors. The parameters of the building and climate equipment, the design of the installation and the prestige of the brand are taken into account. The price range of stationary air purifiers is quite wide – USD 400 to 4000; let’s consider the design features of the units that influence pricing:

  • Size and performance – the more power the unit develops, the more massive the size and higher the price are.
  • Modulation capabilities. Budget units make do with two settings – Auto and Standby mode, more expensive devices also have an energy-saving mode.
  • Air purifying devices can include filters of different types, the cost of which is not the same.

The cheapest air filters are flat type (USD 10-70); filters with developed surface and optical UV filters cost USD 400-800; the price of an electronic filter device is USD 500 to 2000. HEPA filter systems are quoted even higher – USD 1000 and more; the cost of a hybrid air purification system with UV lamps and photocatalytic systems reaches USD 1200-3000.

Is it worth installing an air purifier?

Before you invest in an air purifier, consider the scale of the problem. If your regular filter can’t handle the load and your home is dusty, stuffy and uncomfortable, it’s time to look for an air purification system. Preventive air purification is justified in situations where there is a high risk of air pollution:

  • living in an old house or environmentally unfriendly area;
  • climatic peculiarities of the region;
  • detection of asbestos fibers, phenols and other hazardous compounds in air samples;
  • appearance of mold and house fungus;
  • large numbers of occupants and pets;
  • propensity for allergies, respiratory and vascular diseases;
  • occupations and hobbies involving dust generation and use of volatile substances.

Will the air purification system pay for itself?

At high levels of air pollution, the investment in an air purification system is guaranteed to pay for itself; the unit is designed for a long service life, and in the long term it fully covers the costs of purchase, installation and maintenance. Economy class units last 5-10 years; medium and premium class units can last up to 15-20 years depending on the operating conditions.

In any case, buying an air purifier is cheaper than treating allergies, asthma, COPD and many other diseases caused by air pollution. Sign up for a consultation on the BHC&Air website and we will find the optimal solution for comprehensive improvement of the microclimate in your home, apartment or office.


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