Replacing air conditioning unit

A comfortable indoor microclimate ensures excellent health, good rest and efficient work. In the hot season, you want to find salvation from the draining sun in an office or at home. A faulty air conditioner spoils the mood for a long time. In addition, equipment that malfunctions or is too dirty can cause health problems. Servicing must be performed according to the schedule, and if malfunctions that are impossible or too expensive to fix are found, it is necessary to think about the air conditioning unit replacement. In order to qualitatively and safely change the system, it is recommended to seek help from a specialized company.

Why Do I Need to Replace My Air Conditioning Unit?

The modern market of air conditioners offers a wide choice of systems. The point is that it makes sense to measure an outdated model with a more modern one, since the systems that are produced today are distinguished by the best technical and operational characteristics. Advanced models are energy efficient, silent, multifunctional, compact and easy to maintain. That is why, if you have a morally old air conditioner at home, you should think about replacing it with a better option.

In addition, the ac unit replacement may become a necessity due to:

  • Breakage or wear of parts, which caused the failure of the equipment, and it is no longer subject to repairs
  • Repairing an air conditioner will cost more and take longer than choosing and buying a new device
  • The area that needs to be cooled has increased and the old device does not cope with the tasks
  • One of the units was damaged because of mechanical impact.

In the latter case, you can get away with the purchase of only one unit. Some users decide to replace their air conditioner because they are no longer satisfied with the functionality and efficiency of the equipment.

What Malfunctions Increase the Necessity to Replace an Air Conditioning Unit?

The model range of air conditioners is constantly expanding. Functionality becomes greater, and simultaneously, the design becomes more sophisticated. Nevertheless, unlike the outdated models, more innovative solutions are more repairable. Finding spare parts is easy. Manufacturers provide equipment with the necessary components, so you can quickly restore the system’s normal operation. However, like any other appliances, air conditioning cannot operate endlessly. Eventually, repairs will become impossible, and it will be necessary to choose a new device.

There are cases when a breakdown cannot be fixed or the repairs will cost more than buying a new equipment. The list of such malfunctions includes:

  • constant refrigerant leak
  • malfunctions of the motor, compressor
  • problems with electronics, malfunctions of power supply elements.

The most difficult problem is the breakdown of electronics. Each case is considered on an individual basis. Without skills, knowledge and specialized tools, the electronics cannot be fixed. If problems with plate are found, the specialists immediately recommend not wasting time and money on repairing it, but immediately choose the option of air conditioning unit replacement. Not all models contain new plate. And if there is, there are no guarantees of its quality and durability.

Benefits of the Air Conditioning Unit Replacement

Air conditioning is able to perform its functions for a long time. In keeping the rules of operation, constant preventive maintenance, the equipment will operate properly. Repairs or replacement of spare parts in this case is postponed for an indefinite term. If the device is obsolete, doesn’t cool a premise, and electric power bills are constantly growing, then there is only one way out – replacing an ac unit.

The benefits of the air conditioning replacement are obvious:

  • savings with high efficiency – modern models provide a comfortable indoor climate and at the same time consume much less electric power. The presence of economy programs, the ability to program operation according to a specific schedule and the wireless control allows you to reduce electric power bills and enjoy the coolness at your home at the same time
  • new equipment warranty – most modern models have up to 10 years of warranty on the main parts (motor, compressor), and a general warranty on the equipment
  • cheap freon – modern models no longer operate with outdated freon modifications. The refueling is made with a newer and cheaper option. Therefore, a user can save on maintenance and at the same time take care of the environment.

A new conditioner operates silently and has esthetically attractive appearance. You can choose an effective model at an attractive price, and at the same time, you can choose an unusual design or color of the equipment.

Individual Air Conditioning Unit Replacement in Comparison with Professional Replacement

Before installing a new equipment, it is necessary to dismantle the old one. It may seem that it is a simple task. However, in fact, dismantling is fraught with many difficulties. It is essential to recall that the operation of an air conditioner is possible thanks to freon. The gas is under high pressure. If the fasteners holding the freon line are damaged, the gas will be released under pressure. Compressor oil will also come out with the gas. Everything that is around it, including a performer of works, will be heavily polluted.

In addition, an air conditioner is installed at a height. It is necessary to have special tools, practice and skills to work in cramped conditions. You need to know which valves need to be switched, how to cut pipes correctly, what to do with the outdoor unit. After the dismantling, the installation of a new system follows. Installation is also not simple and understandable thing. Individual installation may cause a large number of errors. The consequences are frequent breakdowns of the air conditioner, improper operation, expenses for repairing and setting up the equipment. That is why, when choosing between individual air conditioning unit replacement and calling a specialist, attention must be paid to the second option. You can ask your consultant how much to replace an air conditioning unit will cost. It will be much safer, cheaper and faster than doing it individually. In addition, the specialists give a guarantee for the works performed. You can enter into a service contract with the company.

Total air conditioning unit replacement cost

Air conditioner replacement can be organized and performed only by professional specialists. Before voicing the central air conditioning unit replacement cost, it is necessary to inspect the existing equipment. The final price also depends on:

  • device class – a domestic, semi-industrial or industrial air conditioner must be installed instead of an obsolete device
  • system power – an indicator that is calculated based on the area, ceiling height, number of windows and doors and their location, natural light, number of people permanently staying in a premise.

In addition, the price includes the works on laying lines and a drainage system. If it is necessary not only to replace, but also to transfer an air conditioner, then wall chasing and electrical installation works are included in the estimation.

Calculating the air conditioning unit replacement time

In order to calculate the approximate air conditioner replacement time, you need to understand the stages of the upcoming works. After dismantling the old equipment, which will also take several hours, it will be necessary to do the following:

  • installation of a new air conditioner, which takes place in two stages
  • connection of routes and lines
  • equipment vacuumation
  • checking the system for tightness
  • starting freon, checking the operation of an air conditioner and making the necessary settings.

There are several other factors that affect the work speed of the specialists. If replacing air conditioning units is performed at the time of repair works, then all communications must be carefully hidden in the wall. Otherwise, you will have to mount a special box. This is an additional waste of time. The speed is also affected by the material of the walls, and the choice of installation site. The air conditioner must be securely fixed. The specialists give a guarantee for their works. That is why, during the installation process, various fasteners, which are guaranteed to securely hold the unit on a wall, are selected and used.

On average, if there are no difficulties and problems in replacing air conditioner unit, then the specialists can do it in 4-5 hours. The average time, as well as the average cost of replacing central air conditioning unit, may be increased depending on what difficulties will arise during the process. The scope of works may increase if the dismantling becomes difficult or the installation does not go according to plan. In any case, using the services of our qualified team, a customer can be 100% sure that he/she receives quality work and equipment that is optimally configured for operation. Contact details for further information can be found on our website. We will tell you in detail about the conditions of cooperation, orient on the time and price of the services provided. If necessary, we will help to choose equipment taking into account the requirements of a client and future operating conditions.


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